Jun 30, 2010


So, you are probably getting the drift that one of my biggest dreams is to be a mom. My heart swells with the thought of someone growing inside of me for 9 months and a smile always comes to my face when thinking about the beautiful aspects of motherhood. People tell me to enjoy being in the season I am currently living in (and I certainly am) and not wish for things to change because it will happen when it happens and there will be no turning back. Ok, please tell me I am not the only one with dreams and a desire for some kind of change? Certainly this will be the biggest change I will ever experience, but it will be so amazing and beautiful. Through being a mother, I will be experiences one season after another of my child(ren)'s life(lives) that I can not think of anything more exciting! So many future moms have such a negative aspect on motherhood that it saddens me to think that they are putting a dark cloud over a very remarkable time of their lives before even having the experience of it!  I know that I also need to be realistic and not just fanciful about the very serious side of motherhood, but that portion does not need to crush any and all joy in the different seasons! Infants will cause sleepless nights, toddlers will get into things and keep you on your toes, teenagers will drive you crazy... but it's going to be completely amazing too! I can't wait!! :-D

1 comment:

  1. I tend to think and dream about adoption a lot and many times people tell me to concentrate on the place I am in life and enjoy the season of life I am in. I do agree with them that I should, however, I think there is a balance between being content and happy in your present and also looking forward to the goodness of the future. That may be a hard balance to achieve, but I think it's possible. You will be a great mom someday, Crystal.
