Jun 30, 2010


So, you are probably getting the drift that one of my biggest dreams is to be a mom. My heart swells with the thought of someone growing inside of me for 9 months and a smile always comes to my face when thinking about the beautiful aspects of motherhood. People tell me to enjoy being in the season I am currently living in (and I certainly am) and not wish for things to change because it will happen when it happens and there will be no turning back. Ok, please tell me I am not the only one with dreams and a desire for some kind of change? Certainly this will be the biggest change I will ever experience, but it will be so amazing and beautiful. Through being a mother, I will be experiences one season after another of my child(ren)'s life(lives) that I can not think of anything more exciting! So many future moms have such a negative aspect on motherhood that it saddens me to think that they are putting a dark cloud over a very remarkable time of their lives before even having the experience of it!  I know that I also need to be realistic and not just fanciful about the very serious side of motherhood, but that portion does not need to crush any and all joy in the different seasons! Infants will cause sleepless nights, toddlers will get into things and keep you on your toes, teenagers will drive you crazy... but it's going to be completely amazing too! I can't wait!! :-D

Jun 19, 2010

Baby Talk

Can't a girl just look forward to starting a family without people saying discouraging things like: "Well, if you think you're stressed now, just wait to you have kids--it'll be like all the time!" Really? No rewards? Just work, stress, work, stress....?? I have looked forward to starting a family for soooo many years and know how big a job it is going to be when God blesses Jaron and I in that area! I know it is not always going to be like looking through rose-colored glasses. I don't need to be reminded of how difficult it is going to be to raise children every time I open my mouth about the excitement I feel when I think about the future. I look forward to the blessing of having children and discouraging comments won't ever stifle that desire! :)  I try to see the glass half-full when I think about the fun aspects of motherhood: taking them to the park, watching them innocently fumble to learn the English language (that no one will ever master!), playing with them and their rubber duckies in the tub during bath time, reading them bedtime stories at night, singing them to sleep, joining them in coloring/play-do/painting, seeing them laugh for the first time, and so much more. I know it is going to be work, but it will be a lasting reward too! :) 

Jun 16, 2010

This Love

Jaron and I will be married for two years already come August! It's amazing that the time has gone by as quickly as it has. The assumption is that the first five years of marriage are the hardest.... so far, not true in our case! We have so much fun and so much laughter in our relationship that when the "tough stuff" comes, we can lean on each other and God to get us through and the tension melts. We enjoy the simple things in life and don't have to go on trips to "make our marriage blossom". We enjoy things like going for walks in the cool of the night, walks in the park, sitting and watching movies/tv shows (on DVD), making dinner together, sitting and editing Jaron's pictures together, a cheap dinner at McDonalds/Taco Bell/etc, and the list goes on. Those are the things that bring us closer to each day by day. I love him more each day because he is not only my husband...he's my very best friend and closest confidant. Nothing will change that. Ever. When we start a family, sure that will bring stress/tension but with the love we share, we will become closer through those times (and we'll have cute kids to show for it!). :)
Love you, Jaron-- you're the best!

Honeymoon 2008
           Valentine's Day 2009     

Spring 2009

                                       Fall 2009

  Winter 2009           

 Spring 2010

Random Fun!

Jun 13, 2010

Sunday Afternoon

So, today Jaron and I went to my parents' house after church to celebrate Father's Day (since several family members won't be around on the actual Father's Day) and we all had an enjoyable time together. It struck me that come December there will be a new addition to our loud and rowdy crew. What fun! I love my family (and additions that Ginny and I have added to it with our husbands) and it makes for such a great time when we're all together. Family is so important and just adds so much love and laughter to our lives. Take time to thank God for your families today!