Jun 19, 2010

Baby Talk

Can't a girl just look forward to starting a family without people saying discouraging things like: "Well, if you think you're stressed now, just wait to you have kids--it'll be like all the time!" Really? No rewards? Just work, stress, work, stress....?? I have looked forward to starting a family for soooo many years and know how big a job it is going to be when God blesses Jaron and I in that area! I know it is not always going to be like looking through rose-colored glasses. I don't need to be reminded of how difficult it is going to be to raise children every time I open my mouth about the excitement I feel when I think about the future. I look forward to the blessing of having children and discouraging comments won't ever stifle that desire! :)  I try to see the glass half-full when I think about the fun aspects of motherhood: taking them to the park, watching them innocently fumble to learn the English language (that no one will ever master!), playing with them and their rubber duckies in the tub during bath time, reading them bedtime stories at night, singing them to sleep, joining them in coloring/play-do/painting, seeing them laugh for the first time, and so much more. I know it is going to be work, but it will be a lasting reward too! :) 


  1. I think that motherhood is an extremely difficult task, however, if you love it, it will all be worth it. NOTHING good comes easy, and if you in your heart truly want to be a mother, the good times will always outweigh the discouraging ones. Your hopeful, optimistic and light hearted attitude is a blessing and encouragement to others. Coming from a cynic, let me just say, we have enough realists in this world. Keep your eyes on what you have always wanted and don't be afraid to be excited for your dreams.

  2. You are 100% correct to look at it positively. I have a 13 month at home and becoming/being a parent is the hardest thing I have ever done, but it is by far, the most worthwhile thing I have ever done. There is nothing like the first time he/she giggles and learning what makes them silly, nothing like when they learn how to say mommy/daddy, or when they are sleeping peacefully on your chest. Sure there are blow out diapers and sleepless nights (spent all of Christmas night holding my son upright because he was sick and we didn't want him to vomit while laying down to sleep), but people having been having kids for a REALLY long time and you will survive the hardships just the same.
    The people who point out the negative are just looking for recognition of the hardships they endured (misery loves company, blah blah blah) or are just negative people. Just ignore them.

  3. Don't let people discourage you, Crystal. I know how you may be feeling about now...know that God gives you the desires of your heart. You will make a great Mommy someday!!
